Hi Daniel.
Thank you for your answer.
I have SSI enabled already.
But when I put this <!-- #include virtual="myfile.asp" --> in a shtml page nothing appears. Checking the code I can see that the myfile.asp code is there(as plain text).
It's enabled.
If I change the extension of the page from .shtml to .asp it works fine.
Here's the source code of the page:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE>Untitled Document</TITLE>
<!--#config timefmt="%A, %d de %B de %Y" --> <!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td width="50%">
<!-- TEST -->
<!-- #include virtual="/folder/myfile.asp" -->
<!-- /TEST-->
Are you using IIS? Because if you are, I think that IIS handles SSI differently than Apache, which is what I am used to. I think that in IIS, the include includes the file as plaintext before anything is done with it. Apache spawns a child process to get the document and therefore the document is parsed before it's inserted.
The conclusion is that you probbaly have to use the extension .asp on all the files that includes ASP. //Daniel
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