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include file problem

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Jul 16, 2004
Hi, i have a major problem and i can't figure out what is causing it. Hope you can help me:

What it does is it includes the pages into the sections on the nav, but for some reason it only includes 1 section then the nav underneath screws up.

-table structure for 'site_pages_cat'-
sectionTitle | sectionName | sectionSide | sectionView sectionInclude | sectionOrder

-example row content-
Site Statistics | stats | R | Y | navStats.php | 1

<table width="90%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 
    <td width="200" valign="top"> <br /> 
	  		//get the section catergories first
			$q = mysql_query("SELECT `sectionTitle`, `sectionName`, `sectionInclude` FROM `site_pages_cat` WHERE `sectionSide` = 'R' AND `sectionView` = 'Y' ORDER BY `sectionOrder` ASC");
				while(list($sectionTitle,$sectionName,$sectionInclude) = mysql_fetch_row($q)){
      <table width="90%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tableBG" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#CCCCCC" style="border-collapse: collapse"> 
        <tr class="tableBGtitleRow"> 
          <td><strong><?php echo $sectionTitle; ?></strong></td> 
				if($sectionInclude != ""){
          <td><?php echo "<script>alert('Page Include: " . $sectionInclude . "');</script>"; include($sectionInclude); //if(!@include($sectionInclude)){ echo "Error In Including Page: <strong>$sectionInclude</strong>"; } ?></td> 
		//now get related links from the site_pages table
		$qLinks = mysql_query("SELECT `title`, `pname`, `externalLink` FROM `site_pages` WHERE `section` = '$sectionName' ORDER BY `pageOrder` ASC");
			while(list($linkTitle,$linkPname,$extLink) = mysql_fetch_row($qLinks)){

		if($linkTitle == ""){
          <td><a href="<?php if($extLink == "N"){ ?>/?p=<?php } else { ?>/?p=out&fwlink=<?php } ?><?php echo $linkPname; ?>"><?php echo $linkTitle; ?></a></td> 
			}//end $qLinks
      <br /> 
	} //end $q
      <br /></td> 
//number of site hits
$query = mysql_query("SELECT ammount FROM count");
list($dacount) = mysql_fetch_row($query);

//guest and users online
$query2 = mysql_query("SELECT uid FROM online WHERE isuser='no'");
$ammountofnonusersonline = mysql_num_rows($query2);
$query3 = mysql_query("SELECT uid FROM online WHERE isuser='yes'");
$ammountofusersonline = mysql_num_rows($query3);

//people on page
$thePage = $PHP_SELF;
$q = mysql_query("SELECT page FROM online WHERE page = '$thePage'");
$usersonpage = mysql_num_rows($q);
<table width="90%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  <td>Site Hits: <?php echo $dacount; ?></td> 
  <td>Users Online: <?php echo $ammountofusersonline; ?></td> 
  <td>Guests Online: <?php echo $ammountofnonusersonline; ?></td> 
   <td>People On Page: <?php echo $usersonpage; ?></td>

Any Ideas??

Please help and try to fix the problem :)



Computing Help And Info:
Are you sure this "while" statement is correct?
while(list($sectionTitle,$sectionName,$sectionInclude) = mysql_fetch_row($q)){

I would write the loop somewhat differently:
while ($rw = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {

and then anytime you reference $sectionTitle, $sectionName or $sectionInclude, use $rw['sectionTitle'], $rw['sectionName'] and $rw['sectionInclude'].

The same goes for your other "while" loop.

only finds one result from the table?

Only includes navStats.php, no other files?

any ideas?



Computing Help And Info:
code looks like this:
<table width="90%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 
    <td width="200" valign="top"> <br /> 
	  		//get the section catergories first
			$q = mysql_query("SELECT `sectionTitle`, `sectionName`, `sectionInclude` FROM `site_pages_cat` WHERE `sectionSide` = 'R' AND `sectionView` = 'Y' ORDER BY `sectionOrder` ASC");
				//while(list($sectionTitle,$sectionName,$sectionInclude) = mysql_fetch_row($q)){
				while ($rw = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
      <table width="90%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tableBG" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#CCCCCC" style="border-collapse: collapse"> 
        <tr class="tableBGtitleRow"> 
          <td><strong><?php echo $rw['sectionTitle']; ?></strong></td> 
				if($rw['sectionInclude'] != ""){
          <td><?php echo "<script>alert('Page Include: " . $rw['sectionInclude'] . "');</script>"; include($rw['sectionInclude']); //if(!@include($sectionInclude)){ echo "Error In Including Page: <strong>$sectionInclude</strong>"; } ?></td> 
		//now get related links from the site_pages table
		$qLinks = mysql_query("SELECT `title`, `pname`, `externalLink` FROM `site_pages` WHERE `section` = '$sectionName' ORDER BY `pageOrder` ASC");
			//while(list($linkTitle,$linkPname,$extLink) = mysql_fetch_row($qLinks)){
			while ($rw2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($qLinks)) {
		if($rw2['title'] == ""){
          <td><a href="<?php if($rw2['externalLink'] == "N"){ ?>/?p=<?php } else { ?>/?p=out&fwlink=<?php } ?><?php echo $rw2['pname']; ?>"><?php echo $rw2['title']; ?></a></td> 
			}//end $qLinks
      <br /> 
	} //end $q
      <br /></td> 



Computing Help And Info:
Have you checked your database to make sure that there is more than one record that will be selected based on your selection criteria?

What happens if you make a test script like:
// put in your database connection code here.
$q = mysql_query("SELECT `sectionTitle`, `sectionName`, `sectionInclude` FROM `site_pages_cat` WHERE `sectionSide` = 'R' AND `sectionView` = 'Y' ORDER BY `sectionOrder` ASC");
while ($rw = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
   echo '<pre>';print_r($rw);echo '</pre>'; }
Do you see all of the rows you expect?

If you remove the WHERE condition, do you get all of the rows?

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Part and Inventory Search

