Hello guys! I would like to include a field in a select but don't use it with group by (forgive my english...). This is my select:
"SELECT NumSol,NumCot,NumPed,ObsSol FROM E405Sol WHERE CODEMP = nCodEmp AND NUMCOT = nNumCot AND CODPRO = aCodPro AND CODDER = aCodDer GROUP BY NumCot,NumPed,NumSol"
When I run it I get a message telling that "ObsSol" needs to be include in "group by". What can I do?
"SELECT NumSol,NumCot,NumPed,ObsSol FROM E405Sol WHERE CODEMP = nCodEmp AND NUMCOT = nNumCot AND CODPRO = aCodPro AND CODDER = aCodDer GROUP BY NumCot,NumPed,NumSol"
When I run it I get a message telling that "ObsSol" needs to be include in "group by". What can I do?