Inbound caller id working fine on all DN's. If I am sitting at x4604 and receive a DID call (514-4604), I get caller id at the top of the screen while the call is ringing. If I sit at x4600 that has a multicall key x4604 and a DID call comes to x4604 (514-4604), I do not see caller id at x4600 when the 4604 key is ringing.
I've searched the forums, but could not find this scenario previously posted.
Inbound caller id working fine on all DN's. If I am sitting at x4604 and receive a DID call (514-4604), I get caller id at the top of the screen while the call is ringing. If I sit at x4600 that has a multicall key x4604 and a DID call comes to x4604 (514-4604), I do not see caller id at x4600 when the 4604 key is ringing.
I've searched the forums, but could not find this scenario previously posted.