hi all,
I have developed sql statement which i will be using later in reporting services 2008. its parameter based where user can select Year, Month, Proc, Diag to get trust activity. The SQL statement takes into account multivalue's using IN statement for @FinMonth. How do i do the same for @Proc and @Diag.
currently the data for Procedure codes and Diagnosis code is a string.
e.g x45.6,c456, r54.9 etc
My Reporting services will have a picklist to look up the codes but i would like to add more than one code... so my parameters for @Proc or Diag can accept more codes. The SQL statement only takes into acount one code. How do i change this?
Basically how do i add an IN statment using LIKE %
I have developed sql statement which i will be using later in reporting services 2008. its parameter based where user can select Year, Month, Proc, Diag to get trust activity. The SQL statement takes into account multivalue's using IN statement for @FinMonth. How do i do the same for @Proc and @Diag.
currently the data for Procedure codes and Diagnosis code is a string.
e.g x45.6,c456, r54.9 etc
My Reporting services will have a picklist to look up the codes but i would like to add more than one code... so my parameters for @Proc or Diag can accept more codes. The SQL statement only takes into acount one code. How do i change this?
SELECT S.crn, S.admission, P.Procedures, D.Diagnoses, S.DIS_DATE, S.patients_RowKey, S.ADM_TYPE_DESC, S.[DIS HOSP DESC], S.[DIS SPEC DESC],
inf.tbl_PS_IXP_ADMS_AND_DIS AS S ON P.Crn = S.crn AND P.admission = S.admission INNER JOIN
inf.tbl_PS_IXP_MEDREC_DIAG_FLAT AS D ON S.crn = D.Crn AND S.admission = D.admission
WHERE (S.DIS_DATE_FISCAL_YEAR = @FinYear) AND (S.DIS_DATE_FISCAL_MONTH_NAME IN (@FinMonth)) AND (P.Procedures LIKE '%' + @Proc + '%') AND
(D.Diagnoses LIKE '%' + @Diag + '%')
Basically how do i add an IN statment using LIKE %