Hi Guy's
After my last Post I am looking at approaching my issue in a slightly different manor to see if that helps. I have 2 Workbooks SwimmerDetails and Payments. If column A of SwimmerDetails contains "Joe Bloggs" as an example and in Workbook 2 contains "Joe Bloggs" in column A and the current year in Column B then I generate an invoice, this works perfectly. However I am stumped as to how I generate a blank invoice for a Swimmer who appears in the SwimmerDetails workbook but has no payments in the Payments workbook.
How do I copy the names from SwimmerDetails that do not exist in Payments in to the Payments workbook to generate the invoices?
The issue is that every swimmer will need to be invoiced, there is only data in payments for the swimmers that have had a receipt generated for them due to part payment earlier in the month.
In theory I need to turn this:
Search for Swimmer in SwimmerDetails
[tab] Populate SwimmerClass with Name and other details
[tab][tab]Search Payments
[tab][tab][tab]if SwimmerName in SwimmerDetails matches SwimmerName in Payments AND SearchYear matches CurrentYear in Payments Then
[tab][tab][tab][tab]Populate Invoice
[tab][tab][tab][tab]Add new Row in Payments With Name and Year and Generate Blank Invoice
Next Swimmer
in to usable code. As I stated earlier it is the else section I am struggling with the most at the moment.
Many Thanks
After my last Post I am looking at approaching my issue in a slightly different manor to see if that helps. I have 2 Workbooks SwimmerDetails and Payments. If column A of SwimmerDetails contains "Joe Bloggs" as an example and in Workbook 2 contains "Joe Bloggs" in column A and the current year in Column B then I generate an invoice, this works perfectly. However I am stumped as to how I generate a blank invoice for a Swimmer who appears in the SwimmerDetails workbook but has no payments in the Payments workbook.
How do I copy the names from SwimmerDetails that do not exist in Payments in to the Payments workbook to generate the invoices?
The issue is that every swimmer will need to be invoiced, there is only data in payments for the swimmers that have had a receipt generated for them due to part payment earlier in the month.
In theory I need to turn this:
Search for Swimmer in SwimmerDetails
[tab] Populate SwimmerClass with Name and other details
[tab][tab]Search Payments
[tab][tab][tab]if SwimmerName in SwimmerDetails matches SwimmerName in Payments AND SearchYear matches CurrentYear in Payments Then
[tab][tab][tab][tab]Populate Invoice
[tab][tab][tab][tab]Add new Row in Payments With Name and Year and Generate Blank Invoice
Next Swimmer
in to usable code. As I stated earlier it is the else section I am struggling with the most at the moment.
Many Thanks