I work for a small company taking care of 3 NT servers running Exchange and a custom DB server, 2 legacy Netware servers and about 35 Win9x/Win2K client computers as well as printers, peripherals a couple of MAC's and the Telephone and voicemail system.
I can remember the enthusiasm I had two years ago when I took this job, I was not very experienced and a little nervous, but I approached it as if it was the most important job in the world and used my time to the best of my ability to hone and maintain our IT systems and had a lot of pride in 'my' network.
My original plan was to keep this job for a couple of years, whilst I pursued a couple of professional certificates and then try to move into a big multinational company and get involved with WAN's and internetworking
I really am in a rut, to cut a long story short morale is very low and there is no real management running this place -I am pretty much left to do as I please and have for a long time been taking advantage of that and just doing enough to keep everything running and responding to problems as and when they occur, whilst pursuing my own interests and activities, I have spent a painful 8 months home study for the CCNA and am almost there but I feel so lethargic, I know I can do it but all of my enthusiasm,optimism and confidence is evaporating
How can I get back to that level of attentiveness and drive that I had two years ago?
Thanks for any comments,