We don’t have Full Text Indexing on our server, so have chosen to use IMPTechnology for the search on our Music store
It does allow for very fast searching, but the strain on the server is high while indexing (it’s overloaded a couple of times – and tends to take a few hours). IMP are being very helpful and are working on the problem, but I was wondering if anyone else is using this product as an alternative to full-text indexing? And what methods you use for updating your indexes.
Best regards,
It does allow for very fast searching, but the strain on the server is high while indexing (it’s overloaded a couple of times – and tends to take a few hours). IMP are being very helpful and are working on the problem, but I was wondering if anyone else is using this product as an alternative to full-text indexing? And what methods you use for updating your indexes.
Best regards,