I am converting a user from a win98 desktop to a win2K laptop the Costpoint and Sql-Talk run fine but Impromptu gives me an error when I try to open something from the network, it otherwise runs fine.
Error number -45:
DMS-E-YV-SGINOTSUPP,The database type 'attach database'associated with the database name '?' is not supported.
DMS-E-DBLL_NOTFOUND, The dynamic link library'<unknown>,check INI file' could not be located in the search path.
What do I need to do to get this running.
Any help would be appreciated.
Error number -45:
DMS-E-YV-SGINOTSUPP,The database type 'attach database'associated with the database name '?' is not supported.
DMS-E-DBLL_NOTFOUND, The dynamic link library'<unknown>,check INI file' could not be located in the search path.
What do I need to do to get this running.
Any help would be appreciated.