I'm creating a crosstab and I want columns to be shown depending on the prompt.
I've created a prompt 'Shows report with Unitcodes (Y/N)?'.
I've created a calculation named Unit. It says something like 'if prompt = 'Y' then unitcode else NULL'.
Now the report does show me the unitcode if the prompt is Y and it won't show a unit if N. That's fine! The grouping is fine too!
But, here's my question. If I choose not to see the prompt the colunm is still shown on the report. The cells are empty but the column is still there!!!
Conditional formatting did not work. I can suppress a cell but not the whole colunm.
(I've tried to make it conditional HIDDEN but, the report still is showing the column.)
Is there a solution to this problem?
Off course I can create a new report but I prefer not to.
Thanks in advance,
I'm creating a crosstab and I want columns to be shown depending on the prompt.
I've created a prompt 'Shows report with Unitcodes (Y/N)?'.
I've created a calculation named Unit. It says something like 'if prompt = 'Y' then unitcode else NULL'.
Now the report does show me the unitcode if the prompt is Y and it won't show a unit if N. That's fine! The grouping is fine too!
But, here's my question. If I choose not to see the prompt the colunm is still shown on the report. The cells are empty but the column is still there!!!
Conditional formatting did not work. I can suppress a cell but not the whole colunm.
(I've tried to make it conditional HIDDEN but, the report still is showing the column.)
Is there a solution to this problem?
Off course I can create a new report but I prefer not to.
Thanks in advance,