I am currently using Xtags for importing coded text only files into InDesign. For special characters that I want to access from a different font, I use the following example: <f"MathematicalPi-Six">&H2C<f$> to get a open triangle pointing left. My problem is there are several characters I want to be able to access but I can't, example: <f"Universal-NewswithCommPi">&HA7<f$>, a solid triangle pointing left. All of the characters I am wanting, are accessed in Quark using the option key in combination with other characters. Like the one described above, in the font Universal NewswithCommercial Pi, I can use option s and get the character, but in InDesign I must use my glyphs. I just want to be able to put in a code and not have to search out "pink" characters after import. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced.