I've built several applications in Java (although I'm still at a very basic level of ability) but now I am trying to build an applet<-->servlet application. I never really gave much thought to where I was importing the classes from, I would just import them:
and they'd be there. Following that philosophy, I attempted (with jdk1.6.0_02) the same thing with the servlet classes:
and they're not there:
Bob Rashkin
I've built several applications in Java (although I'm still at a very basic level of ability) but now I am trying to build an applet<-->servlet application. I never really gave much thought to where I was importing the classes from, I would just import them:
import java.awt.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
So, I'm wondering, where can I get the servlet classes?compiler output package javax.servlet does not exist package javax.servlet.http does not exist
Bob Rashkin