I don't know if it can be done, on BSD wget <adress> -o file.html grep "file to find" file.html (PS i suck on bsd as much as on VBA).
I would like to automaticaly extract in Access each day when i press a button a table from a site. As for example, if possible, everytime i press this button i would like to import all the subjects discussed on the first page of tek tips like :
Title ///// Creation Date ///// Number of replies
Is this possible without the "copy-paste" formula? I can't find anything on vba that can do this and i'm not allowed to install BSD at work.
I would like to automaticaly extract in Access each day when i press a button a table from a site. As for example, if possible, everytime i press this button i would like to import all the subjects discussed on the first page of tek tips like :
Title ///// Creation Date ///// Number of replies
Is this possible without the "copy-paste" formula? I can't find anything on vba that can do this and i'm not allowed to install BSD at work.