I'm developing a program for a client who has recently been given Power Builder to use. He has all his information in Excel spread sheets and wants to get it into the Power Builder database which comes in via //Remote. Problem #1, I don't know nothing about Power Builder so I may be doing this the hard way which gets us to problem #2. I'm importing all his variables from Excel just fine, I'm using the Windows API <b>'BringWindowToTop'</b> Function to set the focus to that window (since AppActivate is too unreliable), and then I'm just trying the SendKeys (which didn't work) so now I'm trying the Windows API <b>'keybd_event'</b> which is also not working. The problem is it brings the //Remote data entery window into focus, but the SendKeys and the 'keybd_event' is not working (it works with all the other applications on the computer. I have a feeling that this is because it's a //Remote <grrrrr>. So the problem is, how the blank do I get this information transferred when the SendKeys doesn't work? Or are there some methods to Power Builder or anything that can make may life 5000% easier? Thanks!