I am trying to import a .csv file into a formatted worksheet that I created using PROGRESS. My problem is I am getting a second sheet that has the unformatted info and no info in the main sheet....example code:
FILE-DEST is the destination file that holds the .csv file.
CREATE 'Excel.Application' chExcel NO-ERROR.
chWorkBook = chExcel:WorkBooks:ADD(FILE-DEST).
chWorkSheet = chExcel:Sheets:Add(,chWorksheet,1,).
/* Page Setup */
chWorkSheetageSetuprintTitleRows = 'A1:i5'.
chExcel:Sheets('sheet1'):NAME = 'PRESS ROOM WC Dispatch'. /******Sheet Title**********/
chExcel:ActiveWindow:FreezePanes = TRUE.
ASSIGN shop = "PRESS ROOM WC Dispatch".
chWorkSheet = chExcel:Sheets(shop). /* Sets the active WorkSheet */
Can anyone explain what I am missing?
FILE-DEST is the destination file that holds the .csv file.
CREATE 'Excel.Application' chExcel NO-ERROR.
chWorkBook = chExcel:WorkBooks:ADD(FILE-DEST).
chWorkSheet = chExcel:Sheets:Add(,chWorksheet,1,).
/* Page Setup */
chWorkSheetageSetuprintTitleRows = 'A1:i5'.
chExcel:Sheets('sheet1'):NAME = 'PRESS ROOM WC Dispatch'. /******Sheet Title**********/
chExcel:ActiveWindow:FreezePanes = TRUE.
ASSIGN shop = "PRESS ROOM WC Dispatch".
chWorkSheet = chExcel:Sheets(shop). /* Sets the active WorkSheet */
Can anyone explain what I am missing?