Hi, I have a donation table in microsoft excel that I am trying to enter into my database. I would like to have it do this automatically with the click of a button through a switchboard. I know how to set up the switchboard and the queries, my problem has been finding the correct way to append it to the two tables appropriately. One of the tables has donor information, including who it is the donation will count towards (example steve smith is donating 30 dollars to help john adams reach his goal of raising 300 dollars). John Adams from the example already has his information in a separate table including his registrant ID. I would like Steve Smith to have a table created through an import and append query that contains his information like name and address and a donorID. There will be another table that is updated through an append query that lists all of the donation and has the donorid, registrantID, and Transaction ID and that lists how much was donated.
Any ideas on how to do this and make the correct tables.
Any ideas on how to do this and make the correct tables.