I wrote a simple script to retroactively correct a problem with credits being recorded incorrectly.
Then I realised that I needed to also create records in another table. I dont need much information, but the field names are not the same.
Perhaps a silly question, but how do I reference a specific record in a diferent table. I have modified the code below for a similar purpose and it works fine for that. But I do not know how to adapt it to create new records in invoice.dbf containing information from specific cash_tra.dbf records
What does 'a->' do?
close data all
dele file Temp.dbf
CRFDate = CTOD(INPUTBOX("Enter a date","How far back to correct credits?",DTOC(DATE())))
use cash_tra
copy to temp for how_paid9 = "7" and Date>=(CRFDate)
repl all how_paid9 with "1" for how_paid9 = "7" and Date>=(CRFDate)
close data all
Use temp
repl all how_paid with "1"
repl all inv_ref with (Invoice)+"CreditFix"
repl all Totl with (Change)
repl all Amount with (Change)
repl all invoice with "CREDIT"
repl all Change with 0.00
repl all how_paid9 with " "
close data all
use cash_tra
appe from temp
Perhaps a silly question, but how do I reference a specific record in a diferent table. I have modified the code below for a similar purpose and it works fine for that. But I do not know how to adapt it to create new records in invoice.dbf containing information from specific cash_tra.dbf records
use cust excl
USE cash_tra excl
USE invoice excl
USE invnum excl
SELE cust
GO top
DO while .not. eof()
IF bal_due <> 0
SELE cash_tra
APPE blank
REPL date with date(),;
Time with substr(time(),1,5),;
Amount with a->bal_due,; &&how does it know which customer to reference?
Initials with 'IMP',;
How_paid with '6',;
Totl with a->bal_due,;
Cust_num with a->Cust_num,;
Amt_chrged with a->bal_due,;
What does 'a->' do?