Hi I have a rather big csv file (exported from excel) and I am trying to import this into mySql db with the follwoing code.
This code imports the data correctly, but only up till a 1000 records/rows, and I have a lot more records in the original csv file (around 50,000).
Does anyone know how I may be able to import all of the data?
The response I get form running the command is
mysql > load data local infile '/home/kkohakur/Hotel_All_Active07-05-05.csv'
-> into table hotelinfo
-> fields terminated by ','
-> lines terminated by '\n'
-> (HotelID,Name,AirportCode,Address1,Address2,Address3,City,StateProvince,Country,PostalCode,Longitude,Latitude,LowRate,HighRate,MarketingLevel,Confidence,HotelModified,PropertyType);
This code imports the data correctly, but only up till a 1000 records/rows, and I have a lot more records in the original csv file (around 50,000).
Does anyone know how I may be able to import all of the data?
The response I get form running the command is
Query OK, 58887 rows affected (6.53 sec)
Records: 58887 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 58909