I'm doing a project on Adobe 6.0 (with the Matrox plugins) that involves using a lot of scan photos. Normally I place the jpg file on the timeline, set the duration I want or just keep it at 5 seconds, and then render it. 2/3 of them work normally--after rendering, it shows up normally with the fades I set and all that. But about 1/3 of them don't show up at all. When it comes time for that picture on the timeline, everything's black. If double click on that picture on the timeline, I see the picture, and it appears that everything's normal. But it renders as black. If I delete it and reimport the picture to my project, it still does it--the only solution I've found so far is to actually rescan the picture altogether and hope it works. All pictures are scanned the same way, so I know the problem isn't there. Any suggestions or insight into this weird quirk in Adobe?