Hi All,
I need some help regarding importing a fixed width text file.
Does anyone know how to programatically import a fixed width flat file into an MSSQL table.
Note I cannot use the docmd.transfertext, as I am using an Access Data Project ADP. As in ADP it doesnt allow the use of the access2000 Specification files
Note I need it to be in ADO
I have looked at this example but cannot get it to work in ADO.
Dim Dbs as Database
Dim Rst as Recordset
Dim FileName
Set Dbs = CurrentDb
Set Rst=dbs.OpenRecordset"TableToAddInfo",dbOpenDynaset)
Open "C:\Temp\" & FileName & ".txt" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, LineData
Rst!FieldName = LineData
Close #1
any help would be great!
I need some help regarding importing a fixed width text file.
Does anyone know how to programatically import a fixed width flat file into an MSSQL table.
Note I cannot use the docmd.transfertext, as I am using an Access Data Project ADP. As in ADP it doesnt allow the use of the access2000 Specification files
Note I need it to be in ADO
I have looked at this example but cannot get it to work in ADO.
Dim Dbs as Database
Dim Rst as Recordset
Dim FileName
Set Dbs = CurrentDb
Set Rst=dbs.OpenRecordset"TableToAddInfo",dbOpenDynaset)
Open "C:\Temp\" & FileName & ".txt" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, LineData
Rst!FieldName = LineData
Close #1
any help would be great!