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Import issues Excel to SAS 1

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Technical User
Oct 22, 2009
1. I have 20 files located in c:\myfile\ they all have a name sequence such as file1_2011 file1_2010 file1_2009 etc...
2. One field name is Client#, another is Client Name. SAS would have an issue importing Client# due to the #. It would have a problem with Client Name due to the space.
3. In addition there is a space at the top of each file so the data actually begins on line2 for each.

I wrote the following program in an attempt to load one report
data lib.clients_invoices;
Client# 8 Client Name $30 Invoice $10 Date Accession $12 Test Code $12 Description $20 Amount 8 Procedures $30;
infile 'V:\pcsas_export_files\clients_invoices_20020430.xls' dlm =' #';
I get the following error message
Client# 8 Client Name $30 Invoice $10 Date Accession $12 Test Code $12 Description $20
156! Amount 8 Procedures $30;
ERROR 391-185: Expecting a variable length specification.

ERROR 200-322: The symbol is not recognized and will be ignored.

ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored.

1. How can I avoid the # issue
2. Spaces between variables (ie Client Name)
3. Use the same program but now import all twenty at one time
ie 'V:\pcsas_export_files\clients_invoices_*'; or similar

Using a Proc Import would solve your problem...

SAS would automatically place an underscore for spaces...as for special chars. SAS would label them as seem in excel, but rename them...


Excel----SAS name---SAS Label


PROC IMPORT OUT= lib.clients_invoices

In your example you're using an infile and are stated and delimeter, XLS files arent delimited...CSV files are...

If you want to import all 20 in 1 go then you'll need to macro it..

I'd suggest looking at this thread:

That both me and Matthais have replied to.
That works, now lets say I have the 2o files to read. Here is the program
%macro overall;

data lib.vapatient1;
%do i = 1 %to 8; /*first to last record*/



I commented out the path but I would need to reference the path and location of those 20 files. I tried running the program and got an error msg. Also when I was successful in running the single file, sas put the date in a long datetime format as opposed to a regular date format or MMDDYYY10. I guess I have to address that programmatically on the sas side?
When SAS does a Proc Import it will format it to "BEST" basically. You'll need to add formats to subsequent data steps.

Onto the Macro..

Are your 20 files all in the same folder?
yes the are, here is an example folder name is invoices files names are invoice_1, invoice_2, invoice_3 etc. So using the Macro you referenced earlier, I want to bring them all in at the same time.
This macro example is fine if the files are already inside an existing library. I am trying to get these files from another drive and get them to the sas library.
So if its just the invoice one..

%macro overall;

%do i = 1 %to 7; /*where 1 is the first number and 7 is the last*/

PROC IMPORT OUT= lib.clients_invoices&i



Ok the actual names are more like this

also the actual names of the files are in the tab of the spreadsheet. So I am thinking the SHEET="Sheet1$"; would not work since the sheet actually have their own names. Whats happening is I am getting this error msg

ERROR: Unable to open file v:\pcsas_export_files\invoices\file_86xls.XLS.
It does not exist or it is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need
permission to view its data.
In this case it should be opening file_2006.
Ok, try deleting the whole "sheet" line and re trying.

As for file names you'll need:


And use %do i = 01 %to 20

As for the error I missed a .



I'm on my phone now so unable to test.
Thanks for your help. I ended up highlighting all my excel files and renaming them to a uniform naming scheme. Doing that automatically numbers the files (ie file (1) file (2). I then can simply the macro using something like file(&i). Thanks, you have opened my eyes to the value of looping through macro. Have a great evening
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