Hi, I am encounter the problem while trying to read this fixed format data into SAS dataset.
The raw data is large about 85 million records total and the layout I was given was
Field Length
ID 8
date 9
amount 12
Source 14
The code I am using is
data gift;
infile 'G:\Database\response.txt' truncover missover lrecl=32767 firstobs=1 ;
id$ 1-8
date$ 9-17
amount $ 18-29
source $ 30-43
if _ERROR_ then call symput('_EFIERR_',1); /* set ERROR detection macro variable */
For some reasons, SAS only read up to row 3445 and stopped. I found that variable source in row 3445 is empty. Maybe that's the problem but I don't know how to fix it. Could anyone help?
The vendor that sent me this file said the length of the last var, which is Source, could be less than 14 in some cases.
Please help. Thank you very much.
The raw data is large about 85 million records total and the layout I was given was
Field Length
ID 8
date 9
amount 12
Source 14
The code I am using is
data gift;
infile 'G:\Database\response.txt' truncover missover lrecl=32767 firstobs=1 ;
id$ 1-8
date$ 9-17
amount $ 18-29
source $ 30-43
if _ERROR_ then call symput('_EFIERR_',1); /* set ERROR detection macro variable */
For some reasons, SAS only read up to row 3445 and stopped. I found that variable source in row 3445 is empty. Maybe that's the problem but I don't know how to fix it. Could anyone help?
The vendor that sent me this file said the length of the last var, which is Source, could be less than 14 in some cases.
Please help. Thank you very much.