1. I doubt if your are using some older foxpro version. Couls you please specify which version you are using.
2. If you are importing from DB4, OPEN THE TABLE in foxpro and when the question asked convert memo field ... say YES and then proceed.
Hope this helps.
I am using Visual Foxpro 6.0. The problem is not importing data from dbase (DB4) files, that works great. The problem is importing from Excel or ASCII. The commands would be:
USE myfile
APPEND FROM spreadsheet.xls TYPE XL5
USE myfile
In which case the memo fields are ignored. The same is true with the IMPORT command or when exporting data with the COPY TO or EXPORT commands.
While I couldn't find anything specific in the Help file about this, I guess it makes sense. Memo fields are kind of a special beast, and copying/exporting them, would violate/not make sense for some of the formats in a general sense. (Can you imagine a 1MB comma delimited field? Excel cells certainly can't be that large.) For importing/appending you could always use low-level IO for some file types and other multi-step techniques for other specific situations.
For a generic situation consider using a 3rd party solution like Data Junction to preprocess the data.
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