I have recently changed computers and have run into a problem.
I copied my work from my old machine onto the local network then I copied from the network to my new machine. My java application that I have created runs fine on my old computer but not on the new one. It does not recognize the projects I have created. I am using Borland JBuilder 2005.
ex: import ca.shepp.BatchImport.BatchRun;
- error: package does not exist
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
I have recently changed computers and have run into a problem.
I copied my work from my old machine onto the local network then I copied from the network to my new machine. My java application that I have created runs fine on my old computer but not on the new one. It does not recognize the projects I have created. I am using Borland JBuilder 2005.
ex: import ca.shepp.BatchImport.BatchRun;
- error: package does not exist
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.