Hello! I'm relatively a newbie to GP (less than a year; used SQL much longer). I have to import data from our order software into GP (by way of Access): TRX > SALES TRX > SALES TRX ENTRY > ORDER (before anything is transferred to an invoice and posted). I have done database traces and have come up with an overwhelming # of tables where I'd enter data directly into GP SQL tables. I think I only need the SOP10103, SOP10100, SOP10200, SOP10104 tables but am afraid of missing tables (such as where the Distribution > Distribution Reference accounts info is). The trace also picked up IV, GL, and ME tables which I'm not sure why I'd need to enter in order info there. Is the SOP list above correct; do I need any IV, GL, and ME tables? Also, should I enter in the order so I get the automatic Document number and then do the data dump? *Thanks* in advance for help!!!!