The answer will depend on your answers to these questions.
Question #1, What is your knowledge level of Paradox 7.
Never Used it, Beginner, etc,???
Question #2, What is your knowledge level of FoxPro.
Never Used it, Beginner, etc,???
David W. Grewe
ICQ VFP ActiveList #46145644
You used the work Migrate so I assume this is a One Way Trip, So:
1. There is an ODBC driver for Paradox and VFP so you could access the data that way.
2. Paradox does export data to several formats VFP can read. At one time Paradox and dBase were owned by the same company (Borland) so Paradox will export and import to/from a dBase4 ".DBF" file. VFP can be set to export and import in dBase4 mode also.
3. Export/Import the information in Space or comma delimited files.
David W. Grewe
ICQ VFP ActiveList #46145644
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