Hello again!
I have the recursive version of the findKth operation, i know that it doesn't have to be recursive but i don't know how to implement it iteratively. Please could you help me with this.
This should be the recursive operation..
//internal method to find Kth item in a subtree
// k is the desired rank
// t is the node that roots the tree
template <class Comparable>
BinaryNode<Comparable> * BinarySearchTreeWithRank<Comparable>::
findKth int k, Node * t) const
if (t == NULL )
return NULL;
int leftsize = treeSize(t -> left); \\find sizze of left subtree
if ( k <= leftSize )
return findKth( k, t ->left);
else if(k ==leftSize + 1)
return t;
return findKth( k - leftSize - 1, t->right );
Please can you tell me how the iterative version will be done
I have the recursive version of the findKth operation, i know that it doesn't have to be recursive but i don't know how to implement it iteratively. Please could you help me with this.
This should be the recursive operation..
//internal method to find Kth item in a subtree
// k is the desired rank
// t is the node that roots the tree
template <class Comparable>
BinaryNode<Comparable> * BinarySearchTreeWithRank<Comparable>::
findKth int k, Node * t) const
if (t == NULL )
return NULL;
int leftsize = treeSize(t -> left); \\find sizze of left subtree
if ( k <= leftSize )
return findKth( k, t ->left);
else if(k ==leftSize + 1)
return t;
return findKth( k - leftSize - 1, t->right );
Please can you tell me how the iterative version will be done