Oracle8i Enterprise Edition on NT .. to develop small and large(Terabyte) <br>
databases. Any landmines for a rookie to sidestep right off the bat ?<br>
Specifically, since the development staff is currently just me, but expected<br>
to grow to 10 in twelve months, what planning and implementation can<br>
I do now to support the expected growth so that a year from now we won't<br>
have to "reconfigure" due to my short-sightedness.
databases. Any landmines for a rookie to sidestep right off the bat ?<br>
Specifically, since the development staff is currently just me, but expected<br>
to grow to 10 in twelve months, what planning and implementation can<br>
I do now to support the expected growth so that a year from now we won't<br>
have to "reconfigure" due to my short-sightedness.