I'm very new to ASP, and am still learning. I have created a Visual Basic ActiveX DLL, and I know that it works, because I tested it using VB.
How do you go about using it for ASP? I am using MS Visual InterDev. I have tried inserting it (the compiled DLL file) into the project (I am using IIS), and published it. I keep getting an error that says I have been denied permission:
Server object, ASP 0178 (0x80070005)
The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object.
The only ASP code I have is:
dim login
set login = server.CreateObject("aspTest.clsLogin"
where aspTest.clsLogin is the class I have used. I used this syntax with the test VB app.
I followed an example I found, but I don't see where the access to the reference/component is first used.
This is probably a basic concept, but I am new at this. Any tips would be helpful.
Thanks, - Karen
How do you go about using it for ASP? I am using MS Visual InterDev. I have tried inserting it (the compiled DLL file) into the project (I am using IIS), and published it. I keep getting an error that says I have been denied permission:
Server object, ASP 0178 (0x80070005)
The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object.
The only ASP code I have is:
dim login
set login = server.CreateObject("aspTest.clsLogin"
where aspTest.clsLogin is the class I have used. I used this syntax with the test VB app.
I followed an example I found, but I don't see where the access to the reference/component is first used.
This is probably a basic concept, but I am new at this. Any tips would be helpful.
Thanks, - Karen