I've just added a second server to my Exchange 5.5 site with plans to take the original one down. I've already performed all the steps listed in MS Knowledge Base Article - 152959 with regards to the Offline Address Book, Schedule+ Free Busy Information and Organizational Forms, and the Routing Calculation Server. I've added an IMC to the new server. In DNS I added an MX record for the new server and gave it a priority of MED. The original server still has a priority of HI. Both of these MX records point to the same domain.
mydomain.com Hi oldserver.mydomain.com
mydomain.com Med newserver.mydomain.com
My problem is that if I configure an email client to use newserver.mydomain.com to send mail I get undeliverables. If I set it back to oldserver.mydomain.com it goes out fine.
Any ideas. Is there something obvious I'm missing?
Thanks in advance.
mydomain.com Hi oldserver.mydomain.com
mydomain.com Med newserver.mydomain.com
My problem is that if I configure an email client to use newserver.mydomain.com to send mail I get undeliverables. If I set it back to oldserver.mydomain.com it goes out fine.
Any ideas. Is there something obvious I'm missing?
Thanks in advance.