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Images, How to position them exactly. 1

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I have my user interface designed in photoshop as one piece.<br>
I split the user interface into pieces and trying to fix them together.<br>
But, I cannot position the images together.<br>
When I try to insert one image, other images are dislocated.<br>
Please help me.
Again, I am also new to DW.&nbsp;&nbsp;however, when you want to control your alignment precisely, fixed pixels are the way to go. There's another way to achieve alignment with Tables that is based on percentages. If you've looked around the Web much, you've probably noticed that Tables are sometimes used to assemble multiple images so that they look like a single image.&nbsp;&nbsp;Tables can insure that artwork stays aligned and grouped, whereas HTML without Tables can be subject to movement depending on the size of the browser window.<br><br>Click on each image (don't double click), you'll see its dimensions inside the Properties Inspector. If you have six images which are 100 pixels wide and you add that number together, it's 600.&nbsp;&nbsp;That's improtant, because you will be creating a 600-pixel wide Table in order to assemble these as one seamless looking image.<br><br>Choose Inset&gt;Table and change the settings to Rows: 1, Columns: 6, Width: 600 Pixels (not percent), Border 0. Click OK.<br><br>Click inside tha far-left cell, and choose Insert&gt;Image.&nbsp;&nbsp;The table format is messed up, but the image in now inside the appropriate cell.<br><br>Once you've inserted all the other images in to the appropriate cells, the Table should appear across from each other with small gaps in between.&nbsp;&nbsp;To get rid of the gaps between the cells, select the entire Table by clicking inside and cell and selecting the &lt;table&gt; tag selector.&nbsp;&nbsp;Once you've selected it, change the settings on the Properties Inspector to read CellPad 0, and Cell Space 0.&nbsp;&nbsp;The Table will come together seamlessly.<br><br>Press F-12 to preview your seamless table.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>I hope I'm on the right track with you.&nbsp;&nbsp;If not I apologize for misunderstanding. <br><br>good luck,<br><br>TeK2
Use the table to control pieces of image is one way. But table concept has limited<br>positioning feature, that is ... you cannot put the table exactly anywhere you want.<br>DreamWeaver has one interesting feature called 'layer' which you can position it<br>anywhere on the screen. You can insert other objects (image, table, text, etc.) inside<br>the 'layer'. You may put the pieces of image in the layer and position it anywhere<br>on the screen.<br><br>Have fun,<br>FrontPageKiller
All I have to say is LAYERS ...LAYERS AND LAYERS... that's what they are for, so use them. They are the greatest features of dreamweaver .. hope that helps..
If people have different resolution sizes then the layers dont stay in one place, they move around, so i'd be careful, unless theres a way of fixing layers. I dont know
use pixels...write down the Actual slice sizes in pixels...
use tables, design tables.cells in Layout View to see the cell sizes in pixels...then set the cells background to those images or insert them. Make your HTML in DW from start...ingnore the IR produced HTML...use transparent image 1x1 px for spacing when needed....
but above all decide on layer or table based layout....
one way:
to use tables...
All the best!

> need more info?
:: don't click HERE ::
weasel1. take a look at the date of the post you responded to.

It celebrated it's 4th birthday [bdaycandle][bdaycandle][bdaycandle][bdaycandle] last month!



Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
u got me two_o Chris...

> need more info?
:: don't click HERE ::
It might be an old post but it still is usefull information for any one searching for help on this subject.

(not that many really search before asking) :)
This is the very first time I have visited this forum (new DW user)and the 4 year old post was EXACTLY what i Needed so thanks a lot,hope that if I have a question it can be answered a little more promptly lol
well, it shows that the search feature of TT does work well when members use it.
Just about every question under the sun will have been asked and answered at some time.


Indifference will be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?
I will second the comments above. This may be old but it is just what I was looking for. I need to postion images and text in certain positions (e.g. to the right of or above included LIBRARY items). I see that Layers will let me position things where I want them as opposed to tables that I was trying to use but of course would only put things in one place - the next available space on the left side.

However, there was a warning above in one of the posts about layers moving around with different resolution sizes. Is that truly a concern? And if it is, what can be done about it?

And I didn't understand the comment about using pixels. Is that for tables or layers ? Whichever, it seems to be a lot of exacting work for each image, etc.
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