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Images appear as red x's on browser

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I have a Gif imported from Fireworks on to my index page that shows up as a red x when I view the site online. When I preview the page on my browser in dreamweaver, the image is there. What am I doing wrong?
This looks like the image can't be found on your site, i.e. it's not where the html in your index page expects to find it.

Make sure you have uploaded both the index page and the image to your site, and make sure they are in the correct places on your site. Your local directory structure (on your PC where you use DW) should exactly mirror the structure of your site ... this makes things a whole lot easier.

You can post your site URL here if you want someone to have a look for you.

I am synchronizing my files when I upload and I am unable to view the my uploaded GIFS online. If they need to be in a certain location on the remote site, how do I know where to put them?
Every web site has a "root" .. usually where your index.html file is for example. If you have an image on a page, e.g.
<IMG SRC=&quot;images/mypic.gif&quot;>
Then the browser expects to find the image mypic.gif in the subdirectory images of the directory where the page is located. This is what's called a &quot;relative path&quot;, i.e. the image location is specified relative to the current page.

It would help if you posted your site address. If that's not possible, post a snippet of html code here showing us the code to show the image. Then we'll be able to tell you where it should be relative to your page.

In lame man's terms, how do I correct the problem of my images showing up as red x's? When I preview the page from DW in my browser, the image is there and when I view it directly from the remote site, it's there.
Try renaming your file to a one word name (No spaces). Right now it is: Letter head Logo copy.gif.
Try making it: Letter_head_logo_copy.gif.

Rename both the graphic file and the source for the html.

i get this problem a lot expesually when using templates.
right click the image and go to Source File...

at the bottom of that window it will give the URL and say where it is relative to. swap around where it is relative to. either site or doccument. this usually works for me

also the picutres will show up with a red box if you havnt saved the file into the root directory yet. so make sure you do that.
The image is not in the right place on your server. The html is looking for it in the /public_html directory, when in fact the image is your site root. Change the <IMG> tag to this
<img name=&quot;LetterheadLogocopy&quot; src=&quot;Letter%20head%20Logo%20copy.gif&quot; width=&quot;620&quot; height=&quot;250&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;>
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