I know people say that images do not hold much weight to search engines, however google specificaly have an image inclusion option in the web master tools section.
So with this is mind, is it important to add title attributes to images, obviously alt is a standards requirement, but I have noticed IE will display alt attribute text as a tool tip on hover, where as FireFox & Opera will only display a tooltip on images if a title attribute is used.
so should the smame text in the alt be added to image tags in the title?
does it make a difference, which attribute does google use to identify the relevance of an image to the search alt or title or both?
regards, 1DMF.
"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you.
So with this is mind, is it important to add title attributes to images, obviously alt is a standards requirement, but I have noticed IE will display alt attribute text as a tool tip on hover, where as FireFox & Opera will only display a tooltip on images if a title attribute is used.
so should the smame text in the alt be added to image tags in the title?
does it make a difference, which attribute does google use to identify the relevance of an image to the search alt or title or both?
regards, 1DMF.
"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you.