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ImageMagick giving weird error

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Jun 27, 2001
Hi guys,

I know this isn't really directed to apache as such - but the ImageMagick forum seems pretty dead (the official one)

I installed ImageMagick on a Cent OS 5.5 using this command:

yum install ImageMagick

This went through fine, and the running:

convert -v

...came up with what you expect

Howevver, now when I run a command to "resize" an image, I get an error:

root@vps [~]# convert /home/ivideo/public_html/images/thumbs/1/11.png -resize 200x200 /home/ivideo/public_html/images/thumbs/1/11.png.new
convert: unable to open module file `/usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.2.8/modules-Q16/coders/new.la': No such file or directory.

I had a look, and sure enough the new.la file doesn't exist :/

root@vps [/usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.2.8/modules-Q16/coders]# ls
./           cmyk.so*  gif.la*        magick.so*  msl.la*      pcx.so*      ps3.la*  sct.so*      ttf.la*    wmf.so*
../          cut.la*   gif.so*        map.la*     msl.so*      pdb.la*      ps3.so*  sfw.la*      ttf.so*    wpg.la*
art.la*      cut.so*   gradient.la*   map.so*     mtv.la*      pdb.so*      psd.la*  sfw.so*      txt.la*    wpg.so*
art.so*      dcm.la*   gradient.so*   mat.la*     mtv.so*      pdf.la*      psd.so*  sgi.la*      txt.so*    xbm.la*
avi.la*      dcm.so*   gray.la*       mat.so*     mvg.la*      pdf.so*      ps.la*   sgi.so*      uil.la*    xbm.so*
avi.so*      dib.la*   gray.so*       matte.la*   mvg.so*      pict.la*     ps.so*   stegano.la*  uil.so*    xcf.la*
avs.la*      dib.so*   histogram.la*  matte.so*   null.la*     pict.so*     pwp.la*  stegano.so*  url.la*    xcf.so*
avs.so*      dot.la*   histogram.so*  meta.la*    null.so*     pix.la*      pwp.so*  sun.la*      url.so*    xc.la*
bmp.la*      dot.so*   html.la*       meta.so*    otb.la*      pix.so*      raw.la*  sun.so*      uyvy.la*   xc.so*
bmp.so*      dps.la*   html.so*       miff.la*    otb.so*      plasma.la*   raw.so*  svg.la*      uyvy.so*   x.la*
caption.la*  dps.so*   icon.la*       miff.so*    palm.la*     plasma.so*   rgb.la*  svg.so*      vicar.la*  xpm.la*
caption.so*  dpx.la*   icon.so*       mono.la*    palm.so*     png.la*      rgb.so*  tga.la*      vicar.so*  xpm.so*
cin.la*      dpx.so*   info.la*       mono.so*    pattern.la*  png.so*      rla.la*  tga.so*      vid.la*    x.so*
cin.so*      ept.la*   info.so*       mpc.la*     pattern.so*  pnm.la*      rla.so*  tiff.la*     vid.so*    xwd.la*
cip.la*      ept.so*   jpeg.la*       mpc.so*     pcd.la*      pnm.so*      rle.la*  tiff.so*     viff.la*   xwd.so*
cip.so*      fax.la*   jpeg.so*       mpeg.la*    pcd.so*      preview.la*  rle.so*  tile.la*     viff.so*   ycbcr.la*
clip.la*     fax.so*   label.la*      mpeg.so*    pcl.la*      preview.so*  scr.la*  tile.so*     wbmp.la*   ycbcr.so*
clip.so*     fits.la*  label.so*      mpr.la*     pcl.so*      ps2.la*      scr.so*  tim.la*      wbmp.so*   yuv.la*
cmyk.la*     fits.so*  magick.la*     mpr.so*     pcx.la*      ps2.so*      sct.la*  tim.so*      wmf.la*    yuv.so*

Any suggestions?


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