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image printing article

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Jun 6, 2004
any help making this work with bcb6
taken from here

void __fastcall Tmain_form::print_image_btnClick(TObject *Sender)
TPrinter *p = Printer();

// create a memory dc for the image
HDC h_dc = image->Picture->Bitmap->Canvas->Handle;
int bmp_w = image->Picture->Bitmap->Width,
bmp_h = image->Picture->Bitmap->Height;
HDC h_mem_dc = ::CreateCompatibleDC (h_dc);
HBITMAP h_mem_bmp = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap (h_dc, bmp_w, bmp_h);
HBITMAP h_old_bmp = ::SelectObject (h_mem_dc, h_mem_bmp);

// fix up bad video drivers
bool is_pal_dev = false;
HPALETTE h_pal, h_old_pal;

if :):GetDeviceCaps (image->Canvas->Handle, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE)
pal = static_cast(malloc (sizeof (LOGPALETTE) + (sizeof (PALETTEENTRY) * 256)));
memset (pal, 0, sizeof (LOGPALETTE) + (sizeof (PALETTEENTRY) * 256));
pal->palVersion = 0x300;
pal->palNumEntries = ::GetSystemPaletteEntries(image->Canvas->Handle, 0, 256, pal->palPalEntry);
if (pal->palNumEntries != 0)
h_pal = ::CreatePalette (pal);
h_old_pal = ::SelectPalette (h_mem_dc, h_pal, false);
is_pal_dev = true;
free (pal);

// copy the image on to the memory dc
::BitBlt (h_mem_dc, 0, 0, bmp_w, bmp_h, h_dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);

if (is_pal_dev)
::SelectPalette (h_mem_dc, h_old_pal, false);
::DeleteObject (h_pal);

// delete the mem dc
::SelectObject (h_mem_dc, h_old_bmp);
::DeleteDC (h_mem_dc);

// get memory for a BITMAPIFO Structure
HANDLE h_bmp_info = ::GlobalAlloc (GHND, sizeof (BITMAPINFO) + (sizeof (RGBQUAD) * 256));
BITMAPINFO* bmp_info = static_cast:):GlobalLock (h_bmp_info));
//Set up the structure
memset (bmp_info, NULL, sizeof (BITMAPINFO) + (sizeof (RGBQUAD) * 255));
bmp_info->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bmp_info->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bmp_info->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8;
bmp_info->bmiHeader.biWidth = bmp_w;
bmp_info->bmiHeader.biHeight = bmp_h;
bmp_info->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;

// find out how much memory for the bits
::GetDIBits (h_dc, h_mem_bmp, 0, bmp_h, NULL, bmp_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS);

// Allocate memory for the bits
HANDLE h_bits = GlobalAlloc (GHND, bmp_info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage);
void *bits = ::GlobalLock (h_bits);

// this time get the bits
::GetDIBits (h_dc, h_mem_bmp, 0, bmp_h, bits, bmp_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS);

// fix up for bad video driver
if (is_pal_dev)
for (int i = 0; i < pal->palNumEntries; i++)
bmp_info->bmiColors.rgbRed = pal->palPalEntry.peRed;
bmp_info->bmiColors.rgbGreen = pal->palPalEntry.peGreen;
bmp_info->bmiColors.rgbBlue = pal->palPalEntry.peBlue;
free (pal);

// begin the printing
p->BeginDoc ();

// scale print size
int scale_x, scale_y;
if (p->PageWidth < p->PageHeight)
scale_x = p->PageWidth;
scale_y = image->Picture->Height * (p->PageWidth / bmp_w);
scale_x = image->Picture->Width * (p->PageHeight / bmp_h);
scale_y = p->PageHeight;

// fix up for print with palette
is_pal_dev = false;
if :):GetDeviceCaps (h_dc, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE)
pal = static_cast(malloc (sizeof (LOGPALETTE) + (sizeof (PALETTEENTRY) * 256)));
memset (pal, 0, sizeof (LOGPALETTE) + (sizeof (PALETTEENTRY) * 256));
pal->palVersion = 0x300;
pal->palNumEntries = 256;
for (int i = 0; pal->palNumEntries; i++)
pal->palPalEntry.peRed = bmp_info->bmiColors.rgbRed;
pal->palPalEntry.peGreen = bmp_info->bmiColors.rgbGreen;
pal->palPalEntry.peBlue = bmp_info->bmiColors.rgbBlue;
h_pal = CreatePalette(pal);
free (pal);
h_old_pal = SelectPalette(p->Canvas->Handle, h_pal, false);
is_pal_dev = true;

// send the bits to the printer
StretchDIBits(p->Canvas->Handle, 0, 0, scale_x, scale_y,
0, 0, bmp_w, bmp_h, bits,bmp_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);

// end the print
p->EndDoc ();

// clean up
::DeleteObject (h_mem_bmp);
if (is_pal_dev)
::SelectObject (p->Canvas->Handle, h_old_pal);
::DeleteObject (h_pal);
::GlobalUnlock (bits);
::GlobalFree (h_bits);
::GlobalUnlock (bmp_info);
::GlobalFree (h_bmp_info);

I had a quick go at getting this to run.

The image variable that is referenced should exist or be passed to the function. For my test I had Image1 on the form and changed the name to that.
e.g HDC h_dc = image->Picture->Bitmap->Canvas->Handle;
HDC h_dc = Image1->Picture->Bitmap->Canvas->Handle;

2)Static casts should be altered

pal = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(LOGPALETTE)+(sizeof (PALETTEENTRY) * 256)));


pal = static_cast<LOGPALETTE *>(malloc (sizeof (LOGPALETTE) + (sizeof (PALETTEENTRY) * 256)));

BITMAPINFO* bmp_info = static_cast:):GlobalLock (h_bmp_info));


BITMAPINFO* bmp_info = static_cast<BITMAPINFO*>:):GlobalLock (h_bmp_info));

pal = static_cast(malloc (sizeof (LOGPALETTE) + (sizeof (PALETTEENTRY) * 256)));


pal = static_cast<LOGPALETTE *>(malloc (sizeof (LOGPALETTE) + (sizeof (PALETTEENTRY) * 256)));

Ok Hope that helped.
is there any way to modify this code to print
bitmaps at a higher resolution. I have noticed
that the code as written will only print in 8 bit
res. this sucks for most images other than black
white and gray.

thanks for reply
if your printer driver supports stretchdraw u can use the following to print out. i only have a b/w laser set at 600 dpi so im guessing it will probably work for color.

TRect TheRect;
TheRect= Rect(0,0,2560,1920);
TPrinter *Prntr = Printer();

supposedly not all printers support this which is why the need for the code above in the

void __fastcall Tmain_form::print_image_btnClick(TObject *Sender)

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