I need to add a .bmp picture of a logo to a Crystal Report v10. It looks fine in Crystal but when I export to Excel 97-2000 the image is displaced and the report looks terrible.
I have tried Underlaying the following section, using gridlines and locking the position and size but have had no joy. The Report header should basically be a large text box with borders and the report name on it, with the logo placed somewhere within the text box.
I need to add a .bmp picture of a logo to a Crystal Report v10. It looks fine in Crystal but when I export to Excel 97-2000 the image is displaced and the report looks terrible.
I have tried Underlaying the following section, using gridlines and locking the position and size but have had no joy. The Report header should basically be a large text box with borders and the report name on it, with the logo placed somewhere within the text box.