ok, here is my script, but for some reason, it WILL not work! I have tried everything that I know to do, and it STILL wont work...
<script language="javascript">
function home()
window.status='Click here to go home';
function homeoff()
window.status=' ';
function &#119;wwboard()
window.status='Read about all kinds a crazy stuff mah board!';
function &#119;wwboardoff()
window.status=' ';
function prevupdate()
window.status='Read every single update posted as of January 1, 2000';
function prevupdateoff();
window.status=' ';
function pics()
window.status='see pictures of me, and places that i have been';
function picsoff()
window.status=' ';
function links()
window.status='See some links to some other cool sites';
function linksoff()
window.status=' ';
function boutme()
window.status='Read about me';
function boutmeoff()
window.status=' ';
function journal()
window.status='I started a journal as of 2001';
function journaloff()
window.status=' ';
function backpack()
window.status='Read about all my backpacking adventures!';
function backpackoff()
window.status=' ';
function contact()
window.status='Got questions? Comments? Click here to contact me';
function contactoff()
window.status=' ';
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<area shape="rect" onMouseOver="home()" onMouseOut="homeoff()" alt="Home" coords="0,4,41,22" href="&#104;ttp://&#119;" title="Home">
<area shape="rect" onMouseOver="&#119;wwboard()" onMouseOut="&#119;wwboardoff()" alt="Post messages, etc..." coords="53,2,152,23" href="html/&#119;wwboard.html" title="Post messages, etc...">
<area shape="rect" onMouseOver="prevupdate()" onMouseOut="prevupdateoff()" alt="Read EVERY single update ever posted on this site!" coords="160,3,255,23" href="html/prevupdates.html" title="Read EVERY single update ever posted on this site!">
<area shape="default" nohref>
<map name="news">
<area shape="rect" onMouseOver="pics()" onMouseOut="picsoff()" alt="See pictures of me, my friends, and places I have been" coords="25,39,83,64" href="html/pics.html" title="See pictures of me, my friends, and places I have been">
<area shape="rect" onMouseOver="links()" onMouseOut="linksoff()" alt="TONS of links!" coords="19,72,68,94" href="html/links.html" title="TONS of links!">
<area shape="rect" onMouseOver="boutme()" onMouseOut="boutmeoff()" alt="Read all about me" coords="21,103,93,128" href="html/about.html" title="Read all about me">
<area shape="rect" onMouseOver="journal()" onMouseOut="journaloff()" alt="Updates posted daily!" coords="21,136,77,161" href="html/journal.html" title="Updates posted daily!">
<area shape="rect" onMouseOver="backpack()" onMouseOut="backpackoff()" alt="Read all about my backpacking adventures" coords="22,167,149,195" href="html/backpack.html" title="Read all about my backpacking adventures">
<area shape="rect" onMouseOver="contact()" onMouseOut="contactoff()" alt="Got questions? Comments? Click here to contact me" coords="22,199,103,223" href="html/contact.html" title="Got questions? Comments? Click here to contact me">
<area shape="default" nohref>