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Image fade out on page load 1

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Feb 14, 2007
I've got a simple issue of when a user comes to my web page, an image is shown, then fades out/away after 3 seconds. I haven't done this before, but have been hitting Google for the past hour on how to do so.

Should I do this with:
1. CSS
2. Javascript
3. Flash

Any suggestions are welcome!

A combination of 1 and 2 would work fine.

Just change the opacity of the image to get it to fade away. Set it up on a timer to iterate and knock down the opacity by 10% every 50 milliseconds or so. Here's a link on how to change opacity settings with javascript and CSS:




Looking for a puppy? [small](Silky Terriers are hypoallergenic dogs that make great indoor pets due to their lack of shedding and small size)[/small]
I haven't really done anything like this w/ javascript, but I'm sure I can get it figured out.

Sounds good. If you get stuck post the code you have come up with and we'll help you get it all sorted out.


Looking for a puppy? [small](Silky Terriers are hypoallergenic dogs that make great indoor pets due to their lack of shedding and small size)[/small]
Here's what I just got to work.
Thanks for all the suggestions!

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// Change Left, Top, Width, Height, Color, Opacity (06-March-2007) DRAFT
// by Vic Phillips
// To progressively change the Left, Top, Width, Height, Color, Opacity style
// (or other 'px' style properties) of an element over a specified period of time.

// **** Application Notes

// **** The HTML Code
// when moving an element the inline or class rule style position of the element should be assigned as
// 'position:relative;' or 'position:absolute;'
// If not assigned the style position of the element will be assigned as 'position:absolute;' by the script.
// The element would normally be assigned a unique ID name.

// **** Executing the Effect(Script)
// The effect is executed by an event call to function 'zxcChangeLTWHCO('left','tst1',[20,260],2000);'
// where:
// parameter 0 = 'left', 'top', 'width', 'height', 'color', 'background-Color', 'opacity' etc. (string)
// Note: the first character after the hyphen must be be upper case, all others lower case.
// With the exception of opacity and color the property value units is in 'px'.
// parameter 1 = the unique ID name or element object. (string or element object)
// parameter 1 = the start position of the effect. (digits, for opacity minimum 0, maximum 100)
// parameter 2 = the finish position of the effect. (digits, for opacity minimum 0, maximum 100)
// parameter 3 = (optional) there are two types of progressive change 'sin' and 'cos' plus a liner change. ('sin', 'cos' or liner, defaults to liner)
// 'sin' progression starts fast and ends slow.
// 'cos' progression starts slow and ends fast.
// parameter 4 = (optional) period of time between the start and finish of the effect in milliseconds. (digits or defaults to 2000 milliSeconds)
// The function may be re-executed with a different set of parameters (start/finish time, progression type or period)
// whenever required, say from an onclick/mouseover/out event. The original progression type and period parameters
// will be retained unless re-specified, the start and finish parameters must be specified.

// **** General
// All variable, function etc. names are prefixed with 'zxc' to minimise conflicts with other JavaScripts.
// These characters may be changed to characters of choice using global find and replace.
// The Functional Code (about 3.7K) is best as an External JavaScript.
// Tested with IE7 and Mozilla FireFox on a PC.

// **** Functional Code - NO NEED to Change

var zxcOOPCnt=0;

function zxcChangeLTWHCO(zxcmde,zxcobj,zxcsrt,zxcfin,zxccurve,zxctime,zxcplot){
if (typeof(zxcobj)=='string'){ zxcobj=document.getElementById(zxcobj); }
if (!zxcobj||(!zxcsrt&&!zxcfin)) return;
var zxcoop=zxcobj[zxcmde.replace('-','')+'oop'];
if (zxcoop) zxcoop.cngparameters(zxcmde,[zxcsrt,zxcfin],zxccurve,zxctime,zxcplot);
else zxcobj[zxcmde.replace('-','')+'oop']=new zxcLTWHCOOOP(zxcmde,zxcobj,[zxcsrt,zxcfin],zxccurve,zxctime,zxcplot);

function zxcLTWHCOOOP(zxcmde,zxcobj,zxcsrtfin,zxccurve,zxctime,zxcplot){
if (zxcsrtfin[0]==zxcsrtfin[1]) return;
if (zxcStyleValue(zxcobj,'position')=='static'&&(zxcmde=='left'||zxcmde=='top')) zxcobj.style.position='absolute';

if (zxcsrtfin[0]==zxcsrtfin[1]) return;
for (var zxc0=0;zxc0<zxcsrtfin.length;zxc0++){
var zxcobj=document.getElementById(zxcsrtfin[zxc0]);
if (zxcobj){ zxcsrtfin[zxc0]=zxcStyleValue(zxcobj,zxcmde); if (!this.mde.match('olor')) zxcsrtfin[zxc0]=parseInt(zxcsrtfin[zxc0]); }
if (zxcsrtfin[zxc0]==0) zxcsrtfin[zxc0]=0.00001;
if (this.mde=='opacity'&&(zxcsrtfin[0]<0||zxcsrtfin[0]>100||zxcsrtfin[0]<0||zxcsrtfin[0]>100)) return;
this.srttime=new Date().getTime();

var zxcms=new Date().getTime()-this.srttime;
for (var zxc0 in this.sf[1]){ this.sf[2][zxc0]=(this.curve=='s')?Math.floor((this.sf[1][zxc0]-this.sf[0][zxc0])*Math.sin(this.inc*zxcms)+this.sf[0][zxc0]):(this.curve=='c')?(this.sf[1][0])-Math.floor((this.sf[1][zxc0]-this.sf[0][zxc0])*Math.cos(this.inc*zxcms)):(this.sf[1][zxc0]-this.sf[0][zxc0])/this.time*zxcms+this.sf[0][zxc0]; }
if (zxcms<this.time) this.setTimeOut('cngltwhco();',10);
else this.cngstyle(this.sf[1]);

if (this.mde.match('olor')) this.obj.style[this.mde.replace('-','')]='rgb('+zxcltwhco[0]+','+zxcltwhco[1]+','+zxcltwhco[2]+')';
else if (this.mde!='opacity') this.obj.style[this.mde.replace('-','')]=Math.max(zxcltwhco[0],0)+'px';
else this.opacity(zxcltwhco[0]);

if (zxcopc<0||zxcopc>100) return;
if (this.obj.style.MozOpacity!=null) this.obj.style.MozOpacity=(zxcopc/100)-.001;
else if (this.obj.style.opacity!=null) this.obj.style.opacity=(zxcopc/100)-.001;
else if (this.obj.style.filter!=null) this.obj.style.filter='alpha(opacity='+zxcopc+')';
else if (this.obj.KHTMLOpacity!=null) this.obj.KHTMLOpacity=(zxcopc/100)-.001;


function zxcStyleValue(zxcel,zxcp){
if (zxcel.currentStyle) return zxcel.currentStyle[zxcp.replace('-','')];
return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(zxcel,null).getPropertyValue(zxcp.toLowerCase());

function zxcRGBSplit(zxccol){
if (zxccol.match('#')){ zxccol=parseInt(zxccol.substring(1,3),16)+','+parseInt(zxccol.substring(3,5),16)+','+parseInt(zxccol.substring(5,7),16); }
return [parseInt(zxccol[0]),parseInt(zxccol[1]),parseInt(zxccol[2])];

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

function Srt(){


<body onload="Srt();">
<img id="tst1" src="myimage.jpg" width="351" height="263">


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