I have an application that gets an images from the DataBase and displays it in a browser. Everything worked fine in IE 5.5, but recently I upgraded to IE 6.0 and now the images are not shown. If I use the IE 5.5 it works fine. Is there any issue with IE 6.0. I have JSP page and in a loop calls the servlet that gets one image at a time and displays it in a browser. Following is a sample snippet of code:
My code works fine in older brosers but somehow in new browser I don't see an image but just red "X". Any work around or how to fix this. I'll really appreciate for any help.
//for loop that iterates through an array of image names passing one name at a time to servlet to fecth the image
//from DB
<td align="center" width="90%">
<img src="servername:port/contextpath/servlet/show?name=<%= img[i] %> width=640>
My code works fine in older brosers but somehow in new browser I don't see an image but just red "X". Any work around or how to fix this. I'll really appreciate for any help.