I’m having a problem displaying certain images on the internet. One file works and one just shows<br>a blank where the image is. It blows my mind why this display difference occurs, and I’m looking<br>for help.<br><br>Both files were built by first sending a Microsoft Works Spreadsheet into Microsoft Paint and<br>saving it as a BMP file. Then, I open Microsoft FrontPage Express, insert the BMP image, save it<br>as a GIF image, and then save the entire file into which the image has just been inserted. Finally,<br>these updated local files are then transferred to my remote site for my website via WS FTP Pro.<br>The images are at the same level as the files that use them and they all are properly stored in WS<br>FTP Pro. <br><br>This file will not display the GIF properly on the internet. <br><br><html><br><br><head><br><meta http-equiv="Content-Type"<br>content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><br><meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0"><br><title></title><br></head><br><br><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><br><br><p><img src="IC0700.gif" width="951" height="532"></p><br></body><br></html><br><br>This file displays the GIF properly on the internet. <br><br><html><br><br><head><br><meta http-equiv="Content-Type"<br>content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><br><meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0"><br><title></title><br></head><br><br><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><br><br><p><img src="optrept.gif" width="689" height="1063"></p><br></body><br></html><br><br><br>Because the image code is the same for both files, I can’t for the life of me, understand why this<br>happens. Any ideas?<br><br>Bob L.