Hi Everyone,
Got an issue with an ASP.NET 2.0 Web application in that from the 16th september, a link isn't firing the event that redirects the user to another page.
Am I missing something common that that can cause this as the actual code HASN'T BEEN CHANGED in 2 years!
(Know this from the modified flags in my SC program and Windows is reporting same date)
Basically, the a user requests a price based on date input, no. of nights and no. of people. The form then posts back for the price, showing a "Book Now" button if the vacation is bookable online (another variable.)
This process is working fine, except when the form comes back from it's postback and the button appears, the button will only link to the last page that was visited by clicking a button, normally forcing the browser to show a "Cannot display the webpage" equivalent.
Strangely, after you click [Back] on the browser, you can then click another button "Enquire Now" on the page that is meant to do something else entirely and that will take you to the target of the "Book Now" button.
This is an inherited and badly annotated/variable-ized project, but as I said, this was working pre-16th september and the code for this page hasn't changed...
A redacted copy of the codebehind for dlDetail (the container for the button) and the ItemCommand from dlDetail which contains the code that isn't firing.
Any help or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated guys and girls.. Thanks in advance.
[tt]'Very funny, Scotty... Now Beam down my clothes.'[/tt]
Got an issue with an ASP.NET 2.0 Web application in that from the 16th september, a link isn't firing the event that redirects the user to another page.
Am I missing something common that that can cause this as the actual code HASN'T BEEN CHANGED in 2 years!
(Know this from the modified flags in my SC program and Windows is reporting same date)
Basically, the a user requests a price based on date input, no. of nights and no. of people. The form then posts back for the price, showing a "Book Now" button if the vacation is bookable online (another variable.)
This process is working fine, except when the form comes back from it's postback and the button appears, the button will only link to the last page that was visited by clicking a button, normally forcing the browser to show a "Cannot display the webpage" equivalent.
Strangely, after you click [Back] on the browser, you can then click another button "Enquire Now" on the page that is meant to do something else entirely and that will take you to the target of the "Book Now" button.
This is an inherited and badly annotated/variable-ized project, but as I said, this was working pre-16th september and the code for this page hasn't changed...
A redacted copy of the codebehind for dlDetail (the container for the button) and the ItemCommand from dlDetail which contains the code that isn't firing.
Protected Sub dlDetail_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataListItemEventArgs) Handles dlDetail.ItemDataBound
'gets a reference to the current datarow
Dim d As DataRow = CType(e.Item.DataItem, DataRowView).Row
u.t("processing idPlaceToStay: " & d("IDPlaceToStay"))
Dim lb As Label
Dim hyp As HyperLink
Dim lit As Literal
Dim pnl As Panel
Dim img As Web.UI.WebControls.Image
Dim lang As String = u.getlang
Dim x As New search(search.identifiers.accomm_search) 'a reference to the current search
'property general info and pricing display
lit = CType(e.Item.FindControl("litLocation"), Literal)
lit.Text = d("LocationName")
lb = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblLocation"), Label)
If d("DestinationName") <> d("CountryDesc") Then
lb.Text = d("locationname") & "<br />" & urlrewriter.makeinfolink(d("MapzoneDesc")) & ", " & urlrewriter.makeinfolink(d("DestinationName")) & ", " & urlrewriter.makeinfolink(d("CountryDesc"))
lb.Text = d("locationname") & "<br />" & urlrewriter.makeinfolink(d("MapzoneDesc")) & ", " & urlrewriter.makeinfolink(d("DestinationName"))
End If
lb = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblPlaceToStayRef1"), Label)
lb.Text = d("PlaceToStayRef")
lb = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblPlaceToStayRef2"), Label)
lb.Text = d("PlaceToStayRef")
lb = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblIdaccomm"), Label)
lb.Text = d("IDPlaceToStay")
lb = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblPrice"), Label)
lb.Text = d("strCostDisplay").ToString
If u.nz(d("bPriceContainsSpecial"), False) = True Then
lb.Text += "<br /><span style=""color: #CC3300;"">Reduced Offer Price</span>"
End If
Dim poolpnl As Panel = CType(e.Item.FindControl("pnlPool"), Panel)
lit = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblPool"), Literal)
If Trim(d("strPoolDisplay").ToString) <> "" Then
lit.Text = d("strPoolDisplay").ToString
poolpnl.Visible = True
poolpnl.Visible = False
End If
lb = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblSleeps"), Label)
lb.Text = u.nz(d("iSleepsMax"), "")
lb = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblSleepsAdults"), Label)
If CInt(d("Children")) > 0 Then
Dim pnlSleepsAdCh As Panel = CType(e.Item.FindControl("pnlSleepsAdCh"), Panel)
pnlSleepsAdCh.Visible = True
lb = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblSleepsAdults"), Label)
lb.Text = d("Adults")
lb = CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblSleepsChildren"), Label)
lb.Text = d("Children")
End If
Dim imgbt As ImageButton = CType(e.Item.FindControl("btnReserveNow"), ImageButton)
If d("confirmationlevel") <= 20 And x.availability And x.fromdate.AddDays(-3) > DateTime.Now And u.nz(d("totalcost"), 0) > 0 Then
imgbt.Visible = True
imgbt.ImageUrl = "/images/lang/" & u.getlanglocale & "/booknow.gif"
imgbt.AlternateText = Resources.words.Book_Now
ElseIf d("confirmationlevel") = 30 And x.availability And x.fromdate.AddDays(-3) > DateTime.Now And u.nz(d("totalcost"), 0) > 0 Then
imgbt.Visible = True
imgbt.ImageUrl = "" ' "/images/lang/" & u.getlanglocale & "/reservenow.gif"
imgbt.AlternateText = Resources.words.Reserve_Now
imgbt.Visible = False
End If
'villa prices
pnl = CType(e.Item.FindControl("pnlVillaPrice"), Panel)
If d("strCostDisplay") Is System.DBNull.Value Then pnl.Visible = False
Dim vp As villas_villaprice
vp = CType(e.Item.FindControl("VillaPrice"), villas_villaprice)
vp.setidaccomm = d("idPlaceToStay")
'shortlist hyperlinks
hyp = CType(e.Item.FindControl("hypAddShort"), HyperLink)
img = CType(e.Item.FindControl("imgInShort"), WebControls.Image)
Dim shortlist As New shortlist
Dim backurl As String = ""
If wu.utils.rf("URL") <> "" Then
backurl = "&URL=" & wu.utils.rf("URL")
End If
If shortlist.IsInShortlist(dlDetail.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex)) Then 'if the current idPlaceToStay is in the shortlist
hyp.NavigateUrl = "/villas/villas.aspx?shtlist=remove&md=1&idaccomm=" & d("idPlaceToStay") & "&accommref=" & HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlPathEncode(d("PlaceToStayref")) & "&ci = " & lblCurrentIndex.Text & backurl
hyp.Text = Resources.words.Remove_from_Shortlist
hyp.ToolTip = Resources.words.Remove_from_Shortlist & ": " & d("PlaceToStayRef") & ", " & d("DestinationName") & " " & Resources.words.villa_upper
hyp.ImageUrl = "/images/lang/" & u.getlanglocale & "/remsht.gif"
img.ImageUrl = "/images/widgets/selected.gif"
'hyp.Attributes.Add("rel", "nofollow")
img.Visible = True
img.AlternateText = Resources.words.Shortlist
Else 'is QWI site - no shortlist enquiries
img.Visible = False
hyp.Visible = False
End If
'display the distances for this property
Dim strdistances As String = getdistances(d("IDPlaceToStay"))
lit = CType(e.Item.FindControl("litDistances"), Literal)
If strdistances <> "" Then
lit.Text = "<h2>" & Resources.words.Property_Location & "</h2>" & strdistances
lit.Visible = False
End If
Dim ajaxtabcontainer As AjaxControlToolkit.TabContainer
ajaxtabcontainer = CType(e.Item.FindControl("TabContainer1"), AjaxControlToolkit.TabContainer)
Dim ajaxtab As AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel
'conditions policy
ajaxtab = e.Item.FindControl("TabContainer1").FindControl("pnlCancellations")
Dim strcancellations As String = u.nz(d("summarytermsconditions"), "")
Dim cancellationstable As String = "<span style=""font-size:11px"">" & strcancellations & "</span>"
'pricingTermsConditions.createsummaryconditions(d("idPlaceToStay"), u.getcurrency)
If strcancellations <> "" Then
ajaxtab.HeaderText = Resources.words.Summary_Conditions
lit = e.Item.FindControl("TabContainer1").FindControl("pnlCancellations").FindControl("pnlCancellationsLiteral")
lit.Text = cancellationstable
ajaxtab.Visible = False
ajaxtab.HeaderText = ""
End If
Dim ph As New PlaceHolder
'availability display
Dim currency As Integer = u.getcurrency 'get the currency for the site
ajaxtab = e.Item.FindControl("TabContainer1").FindControl("pnlPrices")
ajaxtab.HeaderText = Resources.words.Availability
img = e.Item.FindControl("TabContainer1").FindControl("pnlPrices").FindControl("pnlAvailabilityImage")
img.ImageUrl = "/villas/availjpg.aspx?idaccomm=" & d("IDPlaceToStay") & "&formonths=18&fromdate=" & Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
img.AlternateText = Resources.words.Availability & ": " & d("PlaceToStayRef") & ", " & d("DestinationName") & " " & Resources.words.villa_upper
img.ToolTip = Resources.words.Availability & ": " & d("PlaceToStayRef") & ", " & d("DestinationName") & " " & Resources.words.villa_upper
'pricing display
ajaxtab = e.Item.FindControl("TabContainer1").FindControl("pnlPrices")
ajaxtab.HeaderText = Resources.words.Price_and_Availability
ph = e.Item.FindControl("TabContainer1").FindControl("pnlPrices").FindControl("phPricesTable")
ph.Controls.Add(properties.getpricetable(CInt(d("IDPlaceToStay")), 12, currency, CInt(d("adults")) + CInt(d("children")), , "80%"))
End Sub
Protected Sub dlDetail_ItemCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataListCommandEventArgs) Handles dlDetail.ItemCommand
'get the current datarow by accessing the saved (in session) datatable
Dim dt As DataTable
dt = CType(Session("holidaylister_datatable_mode1"), DataTable)
'pass the key defined for the datalist to the Find
Dim d As DataRow = dt.Rows.Find(dlDetail.DataKeys(e.Item.ItemIndex))
u.t("itemindex:" & e.Item.ItemIndex.ToString)
Select Case e.CommandName
Case "AddToShortlist"
Dim s As New shortlist
s.AddToShortlist(d("idPlaceToStay"), d("PlaceToStayref"))
Case "RemoveFromShortlist"
Dim s As New shortlist
Case "ReserveNow"
doreservation(d("idPlaceToStay"), d("idcomplex"))
Case "AddtoQuote"
Dim quote As New currentquote
quote.addtoquote(dt, "idPlaceToStay=" & d("idPlaceToStay"))
End Select
End Sub
Any help or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated guys and girls.. Thanks in advance.
[tt]'Very funny, Scotty... Now Beam down my clothes.'[/tt]