I have this page that is working correctly, it has an SSI already and right above that include I'm putting the code below via include as well and it's messing up the page. What's wrong with this code? When I preview it by itself it works great, but when I put it as part of the page or via SSI it does not display at all. The code simply displays the current month and year.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
// Set varible to the current date
var right_now=new Date();
// set variable to current month number (0-11)
var month_num = right_now.getMonth()
// set varible to the current day value (1-31)
var thedate=right_now.getDate()
// create an array for the month name
var month_name = new Array (
"January ",
"February ",
"March ",
"April ",
"May ",
"June ",
"July ",
"August ",
"September ",
"October ",
"November ",
"December ");
// Create a varible right_year with the current year
var right_year=right_now.getYear();