My XML document needs to have a DTD.
I want to load it dynamically with javascript except... when I have the DTD in, it refuses to load.
When I load it without the DTD, however, it loads just fine... how can I include the DTD method?
I'm using the code, adapted from the W3
var xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"
xml.async = false
// Load XSL
var xsl = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"
xsl.async = false
// Transform
I want to load it dynamically with javascript except... when I have the DTD in, it refuses to load.
When I load it without the DTD, however, it loads just fine... how can I include the DTD method?
I'm using the code, adapted from the W3
var xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"
xml.async = false
// Load XSL
var xsl = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"
xsl.async = false
// Transform