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I'm Having Trouble With My Windows 98 Computer

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Jan 1, 1970
I have had my computer for almost three years now, and I am having some troubles with it, I have a windows 98 operating system.
My computer frequently freezes, and has continuously errors. I have been thinking about completely deleting everything off my hard drive, and
installing windows 98 over again, I am not sure if this is a good idea or not. I do not really want to take it in a computer shop as I am low on money.
DIfferent programs keep getting errors, and just earlier today, every program I tryed to open, it said there was not enough memory to open it. A few
times when I have restarted my computer, an error appears, sorry I cannot remeber what it said, but when I clicked okay, it restarted the copmuter
again, and a blue screen came up that I had to click enter to continue. (It is not the blue screen that comes up when you do not restart your computer correctly
and it checks for errors in C drive) If you have any suggestions on what I should do, I would be greatful. Thank-You
Aside from the normal SCANDISK and DEFRAG do you run a spyware detection program such as ADAWARE (from
A lot of behavior like the above could be due to poorly written and invasive spyware.

Too much accumulation of *.tmp files, excessive internet accumulated garbage and limited remaining storage could also be at fault.
vop is right. Adaware is a great program to get rid of some of those pesky spyware programs that cause all kinds of problems.

The blue screen you see is scandisk checking the drive after an incorrect shutdown even if windows 98 causes you to have to power off the incorrect way.

The *.tmp files he is talking about can be deleted by clicking on

Files or Folders
type *.tmp in the <Named> white field
Click <find now> button

Click on the first file name
Scroll down all the way to the bottom (even if it is 100's of files)
hold the SHIFT key down
Click on the last file name

This will highlight every file
Now press the DELETE key on the keyboard and answer YES to delete all files

This will clear your temporary files

Also can you tell us what is loading in the bottom right hand tray where your sound icon is???? The more that loads when you startup the less memory you have to run programs.

Let us know and someone will help! ggebhart@clover.net
I hope I never get too old or arrogant to learn something new!
I agree about Adaware. But I hope you have taken the following computer maintenance steps: 1) Delete temporary internet files, including all off-line content; 2) Delete Cookies (except index.dat -- you cannot delete that); 3) Delete all Windows Temp files (you may not be able to delete all of them, but most of them). 4) Empty your Recycle Bin; 5) Shut down all running programs (one at a time) by doing a Control-Alt-Delete...with the exception of Explorer and Systray); and finally running Disk Defrag (Start....Programs...Accessories....System Tools....Disk Defragmenter). You might also want to go to Start...Run...and type in msconfig. Select &quot;Selective Startup&quot; and then choose the Startup tab at the top....see what programs you have starting up on your computer..you may not need all of them. Uncheck the ones you do not need to load when you start up your computer. Click OK. Hopefully this will make your computer run much better. Be sure you run a virus scan manually once a week.
Good luck!
Windowd 98 (& 95/ME) are notorious for developing this sort of behaviour. Personally, I'd upgrade to windows 2000 or XP (assuming your PC is compliant) if I had the money for upgrade (much more stable operating systems - don't generally suffer from the sort of problems you're having on win98). If you're staying with win98, the other posts might sort you out, but a clean reinstall after formatting hard drive is best option if you have time to do it.Need to back up personal data, ensure you have relevant driver files available (if necessary) and then reinstall all software you use. This is usually (I did this many times before moving to NT then 2k) 3 or 4 hours work, if all goes well. Hope you get sorted out.
Since you are low on money I don't suggest going out and buy a new version of Windows. However after deleting your temp files double check your system resources by right clicking My Computer, select properties, select the performance tab. Run scandisk and repair any errors on the drive. Also empty out your recyclebin if you don't do that regularly. How much RAM do you have in your system? If doing those steps don't help RAM is very very cheap now days so you might want to consider buy a little more. Windows 98 is not good at giving back resources after opening and closing programs so if you don't have very much RAM in your system this could keep occuring. RAM is very easy to install also so you won't have to take it into a technician. Once you install the memory the system should recognize it immediately. If you need help or have more questions feel free to email me. -Does that help ya?
Can I jump in here? I think I have a WIN98 system problem too. I lost use of my mouse, have no sound, cannot access/use my scanner or cd burner and my graphics are funky. I have run scandisk & defrag numerous times, Recycle Bin is always clean. Need to double check temp files, cookies, etc. but those are also usually fairly clean. Would like to avoid doing a full Recovery if at all possible. Am able to navigate via TAB key, etc. (barely!!!)
Any suggestions.
Also, what is the best way to back up e-mail files (OE6)???
Thanks! [bigsmile]
No problem ...you donot need to go for a new package.....remove all that scraps your pc use some good anti virus programme like avg the scan the system defrag it & if doesnot solve ur problem just call some good friend format the drive & reinstall the os
ON TOP OF ALL THE GOOD INFO THAT YOU HAVE RECIEVED i WOULD ALSO CEAN OUT MY REGESTRY[sorry for the caps cap lock was on] the reg will acculamate and keep entries even after you deleate programs there are nurmousu programs for this I would recommend System Mechnic which will allow you to use free for 30 days this product is easy to use and follow . Anothr one is Reg Cleaner which is freeware and can be located at Good luch
Hope this helps
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