I am experiencing a really annoying problem when changing the data in a graph.
The graph is created without a problem, but when any changes happen to the data and you go back to the preview, there will be lines, bars or pie sections missing. You can select the problem section, but you can't fill it
I am running Illustrator 9.02 on Mac OS 9.2, It is happening on more that one copy of illustrator, and it doesn't happen all the time - only when its a really important job which has to be out the door in five minutes!!!!
The graph is created without a problem, but when any changes happen to the data and you go back to the preview, there will be lines, bars or pie sections missing. You can select the problem section, but you can't fill it
I am running Illustrator 9.02 on Mac OS 9.2, It is happening on more that one copy of illustrator, and it doesn't happen all the time - only when its a really important job which has to be out the door in five minutes!!!!