As posted on the server 2008 forum previously :
Hi all - got a MAC 10.4 server with a whole mess of folders and files in 2 shares which have been used by both MAC 10.4 clients and windows XP PCs. They now have a server 2008 DC which all windows clients are migrated to. I'm moving the data from the MAC server shares to the new windows server shares. However I think I ran into problems when I left robocopy copying the files - I think it ignored all the files with illegal characters such as "\" - meaning some of the data never got copied from the MAC server - or copied incorrectly perhaps.Is there anyway on the MaC server or on the server2008 server to rename all files making them compatible with NTFS/SMB? I found "a better finder renamer" app online but it costs money. Doesn't anyone have a freeware tool or batch or something?
Sigh I hate MACs! (this should really be standard MAC server functionality)
kmcferrin (MIS) 7 Feb 11 10:27
If I'm not mistaken, the Terminal on OSX is BASH, so you could conceivably write a shell script to do your dirty work for you. I have zero Unix scripting skills, but I'm sure that if yo posted in a Linux/Unix/OSX forum you could find someone who could help you.
Leozack (MIS) 14 Feb 11 5:16
Unfortunately this is the best I can find
And problematicalyl I already moved users over to the windows shares so now those are being updated - meanwhile some of the files are dead I think and others haevn't even copied over - so if I do find a way to copy them from the MAC server with a script or whatever (renaming any illegal characters where necessary) I will have to figure out how to not overwrite files that have been updated since I originally copied them all over. It's all a mess and I'd like to just run away screaming hatred of MAC, personally >_>
Hi all - got a MAC 10.4 server with a whole mess of folders and files in 2 shares which have been used by both MAC 10.4 clients and windows XP PCs. They now have a server 2008 DC which all windows clients are migrated to. I'm moving the data from the MAC server shares to the new windows server shares. However I think I ran into problems when I left robocopy copying the files - I think it ignored all the files with illegal characters such as "\" - meaning some of the data never got copied from the MAC server - or copied incorrectly perhaps.Is there anyway on the MaC server or on the server2008 server to rename all files making them compatible with NTFS/SMB? I found "a better finder renamer" app online but it costs money. Doesn't anyone have a freeware tool or batch or something?
kmcferrin (MIS) 7 Feb 11 10:27
If I'm not mistaken, the Terminal on OSX is BASH, so you could conceivably write a shell script to do your dirty work for you. I have zero Unix scripting skills, but I'm sure that if yo posted in a Linux/Unix/OSX forum you could find someone who could help you.
Leozack (MIS) 14 Feb 11 5:16
Unfortunately this is the best I can find
And problematicalyl I already moved users over to the windows shares so now those are being updated - meanwhile some of the files are dead I think and others haevn't even copied over - so if I do find a way to copy them from the MAC server with a script or whatever (renaming any illegal characters where necessary) I will have to figure out how to not overwrite files that have been updated since I originally copied them all over. It's all a mess and I'd like to just run away screaming hatred of MAC, personally >_>