Hi people, many thanx to your answers!!!<br>
I must work with the two browsers and I must work with IFRAMES and/or ILAYERS dependign on the browser<br>
but what is the better way to perform this?!!
one of the guys connected to the forum helped me with something like this<br>
<script language="javascipt"><br>
if ((navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf('micros')!=-1) &&<br>
document.write('<iframe src=\"prueba.htm"></iframe>');<br>
else <br>
if ((navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf('netscape') &&<br>
document.write('<ilayer src=\"prueba.htm">');<br>
</script> <br>
but I can't make it work properly !!!<br>
what is my problem?
I think the problem lies in the document.write line,<br>
here is what I think it should read:<br>
document.write('<ilayer src=\"prueba.htm<b>\"></b></ilayer>')<br>
notice the backslash before the second " (section highlighted in bold.)<br>
with that in mind, try this:<br>
<script language="javascipt"><br>
if ((navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf('micros')!=-1) &&<br>
document.write('<iframe src=\"prueba.htm\"></iframe>');<br>
else <br>
if ((navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf('netscape') &&<br>
document.write('<ilayer src=\"prueba.htm\">');<br>
</script> <br>
all I changed was the backshash before the second quote.<br>
also, try this:<br>
<script language="javascipt"><br>
if (document.all){<br>
document.write('<iframe src=\"prueba.htm"></iframe>');<br>
else if (document.layers)<br>
document.write('<ilayer src=\"prueba.htm">');<br>
</script> <br>
the second example deals with object detection, instead of browser detection. This may prove more or less effective, depending on your situation.<br>
Try it, and see if it fixes it.<br>
<p>theEclipse<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href=robacarp.webjump.com>robacarp.webjump.com</a><br>
<i><script language="javascipt"><br>
if (document.layers)<br>
document.write('<ilayer src=\"prueba.htm"></ilayer>');<br>
else if (document.all){<br>
document.write('<iframe src=\"prueba.htm"></iframe>');<br>
This should work better longer...this way if Netscape eventually also adds a <i>document.all</i> object to it's browsers, it'll still check for the <i>document.layers</i> first...just in case they incorporate <i>document.all</i> before they impliment the <i><iframe></iframe></i> tags <p>-Robherc<br><a href=mailto:robherc@netzero.net>robherc@netzero.net</a><br><a href= shared.freeservers.com/searchmaster.html>SearchMaster Interface...11-in-1</a><br>Wanting to learn Assembler; please e-mail me any tutorials or links for it that are useful to you
Can anybody tell me why this script works perfect in IE but not in Netscape Navigator ?!!<br>
I MUST place the prensa.htm file inside a cell but Netscape really pisses me off 'cause it throws <br>
the HTM file anyplace!!<br>
<table border="0" width="600" height=280 border=0><br>
<td width="50" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><br>
<p align="center"><img border="0" src="cosmetica/sitemap/alianzas/al_bullet1.gif" width="22" height="22"></p><br>
<td width="500"> <br>
<script language="javascript"><br>
if ((navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf('micros')!=-1) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4))<br>
document.write('<IFRAME src=\"prensa.htm\" width="100%" height="280" frameborder="0"> [Su navegador no soporta marcos o no está configurado para verlos. De todas formas puede ver el documento a través de <a href="prensa.htm" target="_blank"> este enlace.</a>]</IFRAME>');<br>
else <br>
if ((navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf('netscape'!=-1) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4)))<br>
document.write('<ILAYER src=\"prensa.htm\"> </ILAYER>');<br>
<td width="50" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><br>
<p align="center"><img border="0" src="cosmetica/sitemap/comunidades/co_bullet1.gif" width="22" height="22"></td><br>
I don't see why there should be a difference. An ILAYER is a layer only it continues off of what is around it. Take the following:<br>
Blah blah blah blah <ilayer>blah</ilayer><br>
This should look like this:<br>
Blah blah blah blah blah<br>
It goes where the document tells it too. A regular layer would make the last blah and the first Blah to overlap. I would show you this if there was a way to do so on these forums. Remember that an ilayer will always go where the document wants it to, where as a layer goes where it wants to. <p>REH<br><a href=mailto:hawkdogg@crosswinds.net>hawkdogg@crosswinds.net</a><br><a href=
Ou est l'<i>ilayer</i> en la page de Netscape?<br>
Have you tried giving your <i><ilayer></i> tag <i>left=## top=##</i> arguments??? (I.E. <i><ilayer left=20% top=275 width=60%></i><br>
Maybe that would work for you....help make sure it doesn't get out of place <p>-Robherc<br><a href=mailto:robherc@netzero.net>robherc@netzero.net</a><br><a href= shared.freeservers.com/searchmaster.html>SearchMaster Interface...11-in-1</a><br>Wanting to learn Assembler; please e-mail me any tutorials or links for it that are useful to you
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