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IIS not working 2

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Sep 12, 2001

I have a problem with IIS. For some reason I cannot use it, it was working fine. When I load a local web page on the local server, it takes ages to give me the not found error.

Also I cannot access Internet services manager within Admin tools. I cannot uninstall IIS or reinstall it!

When I shut windows down I get a save as prompt to save something in Admin tools with an extension *.msc.

Finally I get mmc.exe is not responding end program prompt.

Any ideas what’s wrong?

Kind Regards

Sounds like a corrupted file.. did u try reinstalling IIS?.. give it a try and see what happens.

I just set up my XP Pro IIS 5.1, it only works half way. My non-asp web site works great, but not asp web site(I can bring up the home page, but can't get linking function to work, I get "sorry page can not be found" when I click) Is this IIS problem, or is this ISP problem--like not supporting asp? Please can some one help?
Nah.. ur ISP doesn't need to support .asp.. IIS does.. did u double check the permissions?.. make sure it allows scripts and, depending on what u have, executables.

T :)
Please sir, how do I check scripts permission on WindowsXP Pro OS? Thanks.
I don't use XP but I use windoz 2k. The way I do it is open IIS.. right click on the website i want to modify.. goto properties... then click on the "Home directory" tab.. u'll see the stuff there.

Good luck.

T [afro][gorgeous][afro2]
reply to lck092580 - .asp and IIS are Windows-server packages so if you are going to publish your web site live using your ISP, then your ISP does need to support .asp files - using a Windows-based server (but I believe other servers can emulate support for .asp too). IIS is the Windows web admin tool.

Wrote this as I wondered about the reply that IIS needs to support asp and not the ISP.

Wait.. now u're totally confusing me. The way I see it:

-ISP gives u a connection to the internet to transfer bits and bytes (u/l & d/l traffic).

-Ur server's IIS basically just serves up pages using ur ISP's connection.

-.asp is a server side scripting language meaning ur server box basically looks @ the asp page.. executes the scripts.. transforms it into html format.. then dumps it down to the client's browser.

Ur ISP only servers as a connection to ur server's clients.. they don't translate the asp page into html format and serve it for ur clients.. ur server does.

So why would ur ISP need to support it?.. it's job is just to transport data.

The only logical explaination for ur explaination to work is if u're talking about web hosting companies like geocities where u UPLOAD ur .asp pages onto their servers.. then u'd have to choose a webhosting company that supports it. Get what I'm saying?

T [afro][gorgeous][afro2]
I think T- is right. IIS is Internet Information Services that provide service-side support for a variety of scripts and programs for web related services, not only 'the Windows web admin tool', you may use the console to manage the services, though.

When comes to determine which scripts are being supported, we are talking about the program/script setup of web servers, and you need to discuss those issues with the hosting company for your special needs. It is understandable there are still some confusions between the web hosting companies and ISPs.

Ihmcy: First thing to check: make sure the file you are linking to exists (check spelling, extension, or the path is correct). You may want to create a default.asp file and put in your default site to see how it works. It's not about whether you can do it or not, it's about HOW
OK, Let's Do It !!! [pipe]

Well, it should be "Server-side" support. Sorry for the error. It's not about whether you can do it or not, it's about HOW
OK, Let's Do It !!! [pipe]

Thanks Jackcipk for your advice. I'm quite frustrated here, because everything I can think of as far as configuration for ASP goes is okay. I also deleted folders, reinstalled IIS, and it made no differece. By the way, my ASP applications work great on the commercial ASP web hosting site, they just don't work on my IIS. I'm about to give it up.

Have you double checked the linking document, its extension and path, etc.. did you try a default home page using default.asp or index.asp? What did you find ? We need more info.

Jack It's not about whether you can do it or not, it's about HOW
OK, Let's Do It !!! [pipe]

Don't give up lhmcy.. i hate it when I have to give up (i never do.. if I can't solve the issue with my brains then i'll get a sledge hammer to do it for me.. Disclaimer: DO NOT TRY THIS.. I am a Professional NooB :) hehe).

Trust me.. this is going to be a valuable lesson for u once u get it solved. Too bad I'm not there to help.. it's easy when u're there.

Good luck.

T [afro][gorgeous][afro2]
Jackcipk, yes I have double checked my linking documents (I assume you mean the files containing link functions like post, get, redirect...) All the files-asp and html-are in the same folder in directroy, configured as virtual directory. And the home page is "default.asp". Besides when I loaded some tutorial ASP applications, same thing happens: link fails, other functions okay.
I don't have XP and I cannot see how you set up the web under IIS. As far as I understand now, you have ASP problem, the problem may have associated with the "Virtual Directory".

Let's take out the Virtual Directory (we will take care of it later), and look into it this way, please. Assuming you use for your default website folder, and you have proper script permissions set up at Home Directory tab.

Make a couple of simple ASP files: Default.asp and Test.asp. Put both under folder directory (same folder). You will be able to browse the default asp page by typing: or - Can you see the default page?

Make a link in the default page, pointing to the test.asp page, use a simple code like this:
<a href=&quot;[URL unfurl="true"];>[/URL] Go To Test Page</a>
. - Can you get to the test page by clicking the link?

Let us know what you find.

It's not about whether you can do it or not, it's about HOW
OK, Let's Do It !!! [pipe]
Jackcipk, Thanks for still being with me-I myself is about to give it up. Well, I did what you suggested, yes, I can bring up &quot;default.asp&quot;, but can not get to my &quot;test.asp&quot; page. You can try it, my IP is &quot;;. By the way home directory configuration is set to read, write, Dirrectory browsing, and scripts execution permission. Also application mappings' verbs is set to &quot;Get, Head, Post Trace&quot;
Well, is your internal IP, which I have no access to :). Anyway, if you can get to the ASP based default page, it means that it is not script problem.

Since you use as your IP, you should not use as I mentioned above. Just use <a href=&quot;test.asp&quot;>Go To My Test Page</a>, since they all are in the same folder.

I cannot see any reason linking is not working. I will suspect that that was a virtural directory problem.

Could you do me a favor and try again. I may be able to access to your machine if I have you public IP.

Good Luck ! It's not about whether you can do it or not, it's about HOW
OK, Let's Do It !!! [pipe]

I have xp-pro, My iis 5.1 doesnt work saying that service is not started, in fact i manually go and start the iis admin service but the error it gives me is the same
please help me out
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