I have an ASP page (run locally) that works as a portal. It shows details about my filesystems (freespace, etc), date/time, quicklinks, email, Slashdot stories (just headers - with links to slashdot.org), etc. The Slashdot headers are generated by parsing XML pulled directly from slashdot.org. Unfortunately, the headers are only updated once or twice a day. Slashdot is much more active than that. I know for certain their XML document is updated at the same rate as their site (probably b/c their site pulls from the same XML doc). How do I disable the cache of my local ASP page so it will pull the XML doc from slashdot.org every single time upon load? Similarly, is this an ASP, IE, and/or IIS problem?
Thank you very much.
Benjamin J McMillan
Lead Technologies Developer
Daevux Technologies, LLC
Thank you very much.
Benjamin J McMillan
Lead Technologies Developer
Daevux Technologies, LLC