I've had a problem in the past by the certificate gaining formatting characters as it is sent out via an exchange server.
The certificate I had suffered from having blank spaces appended to the end of every line as it was being mailed out. When I manually removed these and then tried to import the certificate it was successfull.
James Culshaw
thanks for your response. My situation is that when i try to import the certificate with the option Import a certification from a Key Manager backup file i get the error message "Either you entered the wrong password or the certificate has expired". The certificate is new, got it two days ago...
Well apart from the obvious that you don't have the correct password then that really does sound like the problem I described above. If I remember by digital certificate theory the password is a hash of the certificate or in some other way related. Therefore the addition of control characters or blank spaces will invalidate this relationship.
James Culshaw
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